What Sustainability Means To Us

Purposeful Thinking. Here at Aab we believe sustainability is more than reducing carbon emissions, incorporating more green spaces in cities or encouraging wildlife breeding.

Its true essence is much deeper than environmental or economic impact. Sustainability urges us to reassess our lives and look inwards for a transformative, creative way of living underpinned by tenderness, thoughtfulness and generosity.

Sustainability pushes us to rethink, in a hope to ignite a collective catalyst for change that at its core begins with all of us.

It’s easy to fall to the allusion that sustainability is a drive to reach an end goal. A movement. A trend, even. But, in reality, it’s none of those things in of themselves. Sustainability starts with making simple changes in your own thinking and actions; recreating and maintaining purposeful actions, cultivated through small, meaningful steps towards a better future.

Everything meaningful begins with purpose. There is a need to think sustainable before being sustainable. Tactics, collaborative efforts and strategic planning is great, in the long run. But what about incorporating sustainability based on what we value and cherish in the now, in the here?

Today, it’s more than just survival. It’s about thriving in the present and making deliberate choices for better. Many times, we often get in the way of our own development, through unconscious and repetitive acts that hinder our progress in thinking, feeling and doing better. First, we must be aware of these habits. Then, we turn them towards intentional practice to manage our emotional energy and motivations in life.

Sustainability starts with making simple changes in your own thinking and actions; recreating and maintaining purposeful actions, cultivated through small, meaningful steps towards a better future.

Our quality of living is defined by the choices we make every day. In a fast-paced world full of technology and a plethora of distractions, making the right decisions to lead a wholesome life is more important than ever. The key is to cultivate daily intentional practices, full of tranquillity and gratitude, which interrupt any sabotaging habits to our growth or our peace.

For example, giving special time to yourself every so often is vital in remaining grounded. Simple changes such as practicing mindfulness, choosing to walk more and changing your perspective on how you view things, can massively reduce any emotional triggers, improving your overall wellbeing and state of mind. Look towards consistent, simple habits that can enhance your productivity, mood and health.

Sustainability urges us to reassess our lives and look inwards for a transformative, creative way of living underpinned by tenderness, thoughtfulness and generosity.

Sustainable living taps into our relationship with ourselves, those around us and our planet.The solution is to take care of others by taking care of ourselves first. The sustainability journey and way of living is defined through compassion and acts of kindness, without the need to be perfect, flawless or the ultimate role model. Small, meaningful changes, with gratitude and attentiveness, cause ripple effects through societies.

“Is the reward for goodness anything but goodness?” (Quran 55:60).

Essentially, we have more to give when we’re living wholesome, kinder lives.